Friday, December 13, 2013

Solving the Housing Shortage in North Dakota with Modular Housing

The recent oil boom in North Dakota has given rise to many job opportunities, and in turn, a great need for workforce housing.

The oil-rush in the Bakken region has left the area with a shortage of suitable housing. Many companies are turning to prefabricated homes to help North Dakota provide housing to their workforce during the oil extraction process.

Modular homes in North Dakota are an even more attractive solution for workers moving to the area as winter approaches because modular housing can be constructed quickly. Most of the construction takes place off-site in climate-controlled factories reducing the potential for delays due to poor weather.

Besides reduced construction times, prefab homes offer residents the interior and exterior design options that traditionally constructed homes do. They can offer enough bedrooms to house a family, a dining room and many of the other luxuries that most home owners would want in their home. Modular homes can be built as a permanent or temporary housing solution depending on the need.

Modular construction provides the best solution for solving the housing shortage in North Dakota, ensuring the oil-boom in the region remains supported by a properly housed workforce.

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